Music for Minors II Past Events
Hats off to all of our MFMII Docents who prepared over 125 students to perform onstage with Charlotte for several songs. What an unforgettable experience for the kindergarteners, 1st and 2nd graders from schools in Fremont, Newark, Castro Valley and Dublin.
Thanks to all of our concert sponsors who helped make our event a success. Fremont Bank Foundation, GoGo SQUEEZ, Aria Printing, Intuit, The Castro Valley School of Music, Starstruck, Stage 1 Theatre, Allegro Music, Wadaiko Newark, CentriPedal, Gan Sameach, Dr Elisa Rara
Ticket donors: Carol and Serge Zilli, Dale Hardware, Elise Balgley, Carolyn ZeljakThanks to local businesses for their in-kind donations of food for the volunteers: Whole Foods Market, Raley's, Pieology, Dominoes Pizza, Boudin Bakery. Congratulations Charlotte Diamond on your 30th anniversary of creating, recording and performing your amazing music that touches the hearts of everyone, especially children!